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Ahad, 8 Januari 2012

Epal: Day 1 [Beginner]

i've started taking sewing course this year
went to the premise yesterday, saje menyibuk nk ukur bangunan :p
the Cikgus offered me the beginner kit that costs RM60 to get started

well.. today, i was excited to make my hands busy :p
i was blur though, clueless with the beginner kit
nasib baik ada friendly student yang bagitau camne nak kick start 
student yang lain, semuanya pangkat mak cik2 
they were not friendly atau punnn perasaan saya semata2 :p
or maybe they're just indulging with their sewing project.. hehe

Cikgu2 di situ jovial sungguh
walkthrough the machine's handling methods and; guess what?
i have homework! :p
hooray la dikatakan
oh dear, where can i steal time from.. 
dear Time, will you stop for a while for me.. huhu

i'll share on what i've learnt in the next post.. ;)
can't wait for next class


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