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Isnin, 23 Januari 2012


missed out to blog about the rulers that i bought
i called most of the crafts shop around PJ & Subang Jaya
either ran out of stock or the shop is not selling the items
at last, i managed to find a shop through blogspot
went all the way from PJ to Bangi
got confused with the unfamiliar roads
thank goodness Garmin was there ;)

at last!
i was here at:
Karysma shop, Bandar Baru Bangi
the moment i entered the shop
mata jadi rambang

my wishlist was...
1- Pembaris Panjang 40"
2- Pembaris Lengkung
3- Pembaris L

yes, of course i got these three items
i am not sure if these were the cheapest price in the market
the 1st item cost about RM12
2nd item for RM1.80
and 3rd item for RM2.50

well, the long ruler is pricey for me
i was expecting it to costs about RM2.70
or around that range

instead of buying only the rulers
i end up buying many items and all costs RM24.70
nafsu ! oh nafsu !  

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