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Spinosa Petaling Jaya, Selangor Dealer
CikNah Ismail -012.353.0018

Ahad, 6 Mei 2012

cloudy day alright

it is such a beautiful day today
 it was cloudy at first
good start for LSD and swimming

since i have chores to do
my partner went ahead for his training

we went swimming at KJ public swimming pool at 9.30am
guess what?
parking was full!
there were 3 events going on serentak

it took us half an hour to get a so-called decent parking
ngam2 di bus stop :p

as we continued with our lessons & practicing free style
it rained {-_-}`

ow. bummer!

since entrance fee is RM4
and it's not even an hour swimming
so ignored the rain
managed to complete 2 laps before being force out of the pool

looking at the time
haiyah! ruginya

waited for few minutes for the rain to subside
but to no avail, it was a downpour
hit the showers

too bad, no picture taken 
since my hp was soak during the rain
i'll remember to put it in a plastic bag next time

and guess what again..
the rain stop after an echo of a thunder
and we just had our bath

ow. bummer!
total disappointment

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