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Sabtu, 9 Jun 2012

Standard Chartered Fun Run 2012

have been busy lately
no time for blog :(  
neways, will try to recall

head off to Putrajaya at 6.15 am after solat subuh
got the wrong venue at first 
but managed to find the place at around 7 sumtin
warmed up with slow jog

as usual before any race
i'll race myself to the washroom first 
ewww, damn ! it was really dirty
what kind of vendor is that ?

saw my girlfriends Susu, Amira & their GT mate
while Amira is still camwhoring so i ran with Susu :p

Venue: Inang Park, Presint 4, Putrajaya
Date: 26 May 2012
Organiser: Standard Chartered
Distance: 5 KM

Flag off times:
8 KM -8 am
5 KM - 8.15 am
3KM - 8.30 am

here's the route:


was not proud of my timing during the fun run :(
i managed to get 8th place
won a medal & RM150 cash prize

after 5KM under the morning sun

here are a few twin lovers & me
hot sun ? worry no more !
Twin Lovely Beauty Cream & Twin Lovely Sunblock are here to the rescue


Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

Larian PJ Dawn 2012

"Larian terulung Petaling Jaya.."
words of wisdom from Datuk Shabery Chik
at 3 am before officially flagging off
the 21KM runners

Venue: Stadium MBPJ, Kelana Jaya
Date: 13 May 2012
Organizer: Outbox Production Sdn Bhd
Distance: 12 KM

at 3.30am, i've started warming up

sempat lagi wish mum
"happy mother's day!" :p

it was crowded!!!
thought that most people would prefer sleeping on their bed now

well, i managed to run 10KM with consistent pace
but damn!
when it came to the 11th KM 
i had stomach cramp
i really hate it!
so i end up walking fast
..a lot!!!

i regretted walking :(

o yah, this too, considered my LSD training

during the run, there was only water being served
no isotonic or malt drinks
managed to get gardenia bun, nasi lemak & banana for breakfast :)

this is my first marathon with my Asics kicks
it is heavier when compared to my Adidas kicks
maybe the gel contributes to the extra grams

here's the route:

here goes my result ;)

Source: PJ Dawn 2012

maintained looking lively with my naked skin
even after completing 12KM at around 5.30am
huhu.. missed to slumber with TL :( 

check out those rosy cheeks!
natural blusher on the run :p


Running 'handbag'

after years of holding 'Qaseh Suchi' while running
at last, i have a running 'handbag'
or actually a traveling pouch ^_^

got it at RM75 in Ampang


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