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Rabu, 4 Mei 2011

Miaw goes to hospital

time: 7.30 a.m.
destination: University Veterinary Hospital (UVH)

today, we're taking him to the hospital.
my Love accompanied me by driving us there

i have called Klinik Haiwan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Haiwan Negeri Selangor in Shah Alam
they don't perform x-rays and of course no major surgery
whereas Klinik Veterinar UPM in Petaling Jaya has already been closed
i had to be prepared for the worst, since UVH has the facilities that he might need
so better not waste more time and bring him to UVH

it wasn't easy to find the place when there was no signage of UVH
i had to get instructions from the UVH themselves

when we reach there.. 
first i end up in the academic block, then i end up at the Large Animal Clinic,
we had to make a big U-turn to get to Small Animal Clinic

the clinic was new and systematic, dogs & cats clinics were segregated
it was fast too !
i am satisfied !

Miaw was attended by caring Dr. Wirdatul
there were other vets in the consultation room too, they were nice to him and it makes me comfortable

during consultation, the vet asked me if he was being hit by sum1
it sounded like the vet is telling me if i did this to my cat
ouch ! i felt offended. 
in an optimistic manner, i told her my part of story which i have no idea if any1 had hurt him or he fell

he was checked & x-rayed
the radiologist explained to the vet on the x-ray images
there were 2 broken pelvic bone which is still intact & the gud news is that it has not over-rided yet
so no operation needed to put in the plaid
he was given 1 month "cage rest" with 30 days medication

while waiting, there were also indian men who brought their parrot 
it was beautiful with blue & green kalers
next room was customers with dogs
the indian guy was registering it for consultation.. and meanwhile his dog was having big business :p
all of the dogs were large & tall such as Doberman, Rottweiler, German Shepherd..  

UVH costs me RM153.40
i can say it is reasonable if to compare with my past experiences 

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